Sunday, November 4, 2007

Dirt racing

I have been lack in my postings. Busy time of year for us with training for the races and sewing for Alpine.

Joe is back to work and feeling pretty good. He still has mouth pain and eats with caution. He has put back on ALL the weight he lost during treatment so he is recovering anyway..hee hee.

We entered the dirt race In Roslyn, WA. Joe WON his class running 10 dogs about 8+ miles each day. I ran the 6 dog mid class and place 3rd. Great training and getting to see old friends make this a special weekend for us.

Now on to the training grid for snow racing..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great to see you all last weekend! Your dogs looked super as always. I knew Joe's time would be hard to beat that first day, so no surprise he won, but it's still such a wonderful thing that he won his first time out after this summer's adventures.